Conscious and direct Union with the Source is my highest priority in life. I have made a full commitment to the spiritual path I’ve been led to walk and dedicated my life to helping others awaken to their true nature.

Marta Shumylo was born and raised in Lviv, Ukraine- a daughter of two doctors. Fascinated with witnessing her parents assist clients with various illnesses, Marta spent her whole childhood learning directly by observation. She immigrated to the United States with her family when she was fourteen years old and that is where she started exploring and developing her interest in art. Shumylo received her undergraduate education at Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, exploring spirituality and healing through the creative process. Seeing the invisible, looking to understand who and what God is, through the exploration of the limitations of the material world. After finishing her degree in art, Marta moved to New York and continued her studies at Columbia University in Clinical Psychology with concentration in Spirituality, Mind, Body, once again returning to the original interest in healing and spirituality she felt as a child while observing her parents assist the seriously ill. Through steady work on her inner world, Marta has been blessed to find her root teachers and dive deeper into meditation & healing, continuously learning from her elders.
Since 2014 Marta has been working with plant medicines in Peru, Brazil and Mexico. Studying with Indigenous People has opened up her commitment to Mother Earth, which came in full force after spending time in the Amazon Rainforest. Since then, she has fully dedicated herself to the Medicine Path, committed to bringing healing to those who feel called to work with this plant medicine. Currently Marta works as an Uni Guide- preparing people to drink Ayahuasca in ceremonial settings, led by Indigenous people. She organizes retreats and assists her community with integration sessions, helping those who are interested in going deeper with the insights and visions received in ceremonies.

My heart is forever filled with gratitude for my spiritual lineage of teachers that have awakened me to the Spirit within and helped me establish myself as a Healer, continuously fulfilling my purpose in this incarnation.

Penny Donovan
Since 1987 Rev. Penny Donovan has channeled and shared wisdom from many different spiritual traditions – Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Taoist, Druidic, etc. In 2013, SGF has become Marta’s spiritual home-base and since the very first retreat she has been studying with them continuously to develop her understanding of spirituality. Sacred Garden teachings and healings have opened her heart and mind to embrace the God within. In 2018 Marta was ordained as a Minister of Spiritual Energy Healing by Miriam Penny Donovan through the Church of Sacred Healing.
Ron Young
In 2016 Marta went back to school to receive a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology with a concentration in Spirituality, Mind, Body at Teachers College, Columbia University. This is where she met her teacher Ron Young, with whom she trained full time, doing hands-on spiritual healing work as well as spiritual Constellations for hundreds of clients with various serious illnesses and conditions. Through Ron’s guidance and the years of Sacred Service work they did together, Marta was able to develop herself as a healer and fully embrace her God-given power to assist the world by offering Healing work.
In 2016 Marta found herself in the presence of Mata Amritanandamayi- better known as Amma the hugging saint. Deeply affected by the profound healing she received, Marta traveled to Amma's ashram in India to spend time in her Holy presence. It is there that she had a spontaneous opening, an expansion of awareness of the Sacred Forces within. Since then Marta has spent countless hours meditating in Amma's presence and embracing her teachings.  
In 2019, Marta had the privilege of embarking on a journey to the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil to study with indigenous tribes. She instantly fell in love with the forest and quickly developed a deep connection with the Yawanawa people. She was welcomed in and was able to spend significant time with them, getting immersed into their culture. After forming this bond, Marta began doing Dietas- in depth studies with the Yawanawa people, deepening her connection to their ancient wisdom.